Copper Ball Necklace

by Four Girls Jewelry

ID: NE1043

NE1043 NE1043 /uploadedfiles/products/243/1043-3_1.jpg by Four Girls Jewelry
Price: $55 55.00 USD
SoldOut 2025-06-26


This simple necklace was created with hand-made copper chains and a simple Howlite cabochon. A few copper components add variety to the piece, while still keeping it a simple, everyday-wear piece. The necklace measures 20'' long, but can also be shortened to any other length. Liver of Sulfur is used to create an antique finish. It is protected with a thin layer of ProtectaClear to prevent tarnishing. 



Vintage copper wire chain

Vintage copper wires



Get to Know Your Stones:

Howlite is named after its discoverer, Henry How, a chemist and geologist from Novia Scotia. The stone is found in cauliflower-like masses that have the texture of unglazed porcelain. This is not a common formation for most stones, in fact, it is quite rare! Howlite is a soft stone that can be easily scratched if not taken care of properly. Due to its calcium structure, it can be sensitive to chemical cleaners. To clean the stone, use slightly soapy water and lukewarm water with a soft cloth. Rinse well to remove residue and pat dry. Taken care of properly, howlite can preserve its beauty for a lifetime.



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